Online freelance writing is when a person uses the internet to find writing work, usually on a case-by-case basis but sometimes long term. Being a freelance writer means that you work for yourself, but you take on clients who pay you to write for them. It is a simple concept and growing more and more popular all the time. This idea is intriguing to a lot of students because of the perks of being a freelance writer. If you are a student that can’t take on a regular job due to school but need some extra cash, maybe freelance writing is for you.
Freelance writers often take jobs that are due by a certain date. This means that there is no one to tell you that you have to work at any specific time. You can do the work between classes, after studying or even in the middle of the night if that best fits your schedule. You can work these jobs around your school and study schedule.
At a regular job you have to do what the boss tells you. As a freelance writer you can look at a job offer and say yes or no to any of them. If you don’t have time to ghostwrite a whole book, than you just don’t take that job. If you don’t like technical writing, than you just don’t work on those. If you only have time for small jobs that will be easy for you to complete than you can just take those. It is all up to you.
If you know midterms are coming up and you will need extra time to study than you don’t need to request time off from work, you simply don’t take any jobs during this period of time. If you know you will need more money soon to buy new books than you can take on extra work to help pay for it all. Even if you just don’t feel like working after a day of early American literature and chemistry lab than you don’t have to take a job that day, or you can choose to work on a job you already took another time. When you need the money you just take jobs accordingly and when you don’t want to you don’t have to. This is very unlike a regular 9 to 5 job where you are expected to be there every day.
Because of the flexibility in every aspect of freelance writing online, many students find it appealing. It is the perfect job for any college student to take on, especially those with an English or literature focus. Students are asked to write all the time in college, now you can actually get paid for it. It is a great option for students who need money. They never even have to leave their dorm.
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