Freelance fashion writing gives people who love this subject a really good opportunity to make money providing pieces on a number of topics. There are several great part-time opportunities out there, and here are a few suggestions for find them without putting in much effort:
No matter what kind of written work you plan on doing, it’s a good idea to get started by joining a freelance site. They usually don’t cost much to join and can be a great way to connect you with a number of clients looking to start both long and short-term contracts with talented writers. Join more than one site to maximize the reach you have with potential clients. Once you get going you can limit your memberships to the sites you found most helpful.
When creating a profile and portfolio you want to make sure that you emphasize your skillset in order to attract and encourage potential fashion industry clients to reach out and initiate contact with you. This means listing your strengths in a clear manner and uploading appropriate sample pieces that demonstrate your abilities. Look towards uploading content that is current and relevant, and be sure to update your portfolio as often as possible.
When creating your profile and looking for part-time jobs online pay special attention to the keywords you choose. The more targeted your keywords the better chances you will have in finding the fashion writing positions you most desire. If you are unsure of which keywords to use research some job descriptions and highlight the words that are most commonly used in the industry.
If you are familiar with the fashion writing industry then you should be aware of the more popular magazine titles out there. This is a great place to start. Submit some sample content along with a query letter explaining your desire to be a part-time freelance writer. Be persistent and don’t take a quick “no” for an answer. If you receive criticism or feedback on your content you know the areas you need improvement on.
The last step in finding part-time freelance fashion writing positions without effort is writing compelling bids. You shouldn’t simply send a generic bid to a potential client. Do your research and make sure you understand what a potential employer is looking for. The more precisely you direct your bids the more likely it will be that you get a call back for an interview.
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