Axminster Job Club

10 Tips for a Freelance Technical Writer

Freelance technical writers provide useful information for readers through unique skills and understanding. Because some writers follow a specific set of standards when providing written content for clients, their skills are put to the test. Many technical writers are always seeking advice that will help them improve their abilities. It is also helpful to get information that will help you understand how to efficiently meet the needs of your clients. The following tips can help you establish options you can take to encourage quality written material overtime.

  1. 1. Know your goal when writing and how to stay focused. This can help writers stay focused on the subject matter and avoid getting lost within the context. Writers will be able to execute their written content with more precision as to what they want readers to know.

  2. 2. When using screenshots to help you write keep them small. Some writers include screenshots in their written content as an illustration for readers. Keeping this content small enough will help readers understand how content should be viewed.

  3. 3. Be sure to thoroughly explain your content, especially if the content is something readers may not be familiar with. Use examples that are practical to help readers understand the main point of the content.

  4. 4. Be clear with your words and how you explain content. Many readers will view this content having little experience. Your writing should help readers be comfortable enough to navigate through the content.

  5. 5. To ensure your main idea gets across clearly repeat it when necessary. This is important when providing explanation on how something works.

  6. 6. Provide visual concepts for your reader for further understanding. A table for instance can provide comparison elements along with additional insight on related procedures and processes.

  7. 7. Pay attention to spacing on your page. As you type your content you want to think about how it will look when printed. Your margins should be sufficient on each page. These elements may be an issue if you need to convert your document into a PDF or if you are writing content to appear on a website.

  8. 8. Cite sources used. It is recommended you create a page that quotes sources used. This is giving recognition to those in your field and related areas.

  9. 9. Have your work reviewed by another person. Get suggestions from an expert and non-expert and compare opinions. Make changes based on suggestions received.

  10. 10. Edit and proofread your work to ensure it looks its best.

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