Axminster Job Club

Online Writing Jobs For College Students

College can be an expensive adventure, whether it be for tuition, books, spending money, rent, or bills, it is sometimes difficult for students to make the extra cash. Freelance writing is a great outlet for students to both make some extra money. Freelancing can be a bit daunting for a newbie, but trust me, it is not all that bad and can even be addicting.

  • What is freelance work, a freelancer, and freelancing?

  • Well, a freelance work is a cover-all term for an often one time contracted job for a person with specific qualifications. It is not only for writing, but can be for just about anything. Freelancers (people who do freelance work) use websites and ‘in-person’ services to sell their talents to prospective clients through self-advertising and applying for positions that they think will work with their particular skill set. Freelancing is the act of completing work that you acquired through a freelance opportunity. Freelance gives the power to the writer. They have the chance to work with the client on repeat occasions if the necessity arises, or work with new clients. It is all up to you, as the writer, how much or little you work, what you are doing, and who you are doing it with. What could be better than that?

  • College and Freelance

  • As a college student, there are many options available to you in the world of freelance writing. There are hundreds of ads for people that are looking for blog writing, editing, basic translations if you are bilingual, story writing, plot writing, and so much more. You could even, more than likely, find a job in something that you are studying. For instance, someone who is studying business could find a myriad of jobs in the business writing field. With a college background in business that person would have an edge over someone who is just a writer, even if the other candidate has more freelance experience. Websites like Elance, guru, and odesk are great outlets for new and seasoned freelance writers alike. You can make your own hours, work on your time, and choose your pay. You are not glued to a desk for a set amount of time. Freelance writing offers what every college student needs, the ability to work on their own time. Weeks when you are busy, you don’t have to accept jobs, and less stressful weeks you can do more work. It is win-win for everyone!

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