When you are starting into freelance writing, maintain a proper schedule is very important. It can actually translate into the amount of money you make. While starting out it is advisable to maintain a schedule because this way you get to be more productive. Later as you gain experience and learn more on how to write, you can easily form your own schedule and write whenever you want.
Do you ever wander what can help you develop a trait that results in quality writing? Or why do you write good article one time while come up with ineffective articles on another? This is because our minds are not always at its 100%. By establishing a routine you will always come up with the best results.
First try to ascertain which part of the day or night is your favorite time to write. While some prefer the early morning other prefer to write throughout the night. If you are an early bird it is probably best to turn on some energizing music and do some light exercise. Then get some coffee or light breakfast, take up your favorite position of the house and get busy writing. If you start early you can keep writing till noon.
Now freelance writing is not only about writing, you have to make calls, chase leads and ensure payments are on its way. The afternoon is the best time to do it. Since you are more likely to be unfocussed and hence less productive during this time of the day, it is a good idea to schedule all your meetings and phone calls during this time.
If you like working late hours even then afternoons are perfect for these official businesses. If you have worked on a project throughout the night you can wake up late. Then take a shower, have a brunch and then take care of official business.
Once you have made a work schedule you must work on time optimization. Concentrate on how much you can get done in say an hour of time. Depending on this you can take in new work. If you can write 50 pages in one hour you should probably stick to 150 pages a day assignments because when you work long hours you slowly loose productivity. So if you did 50 pages in the first hour the next 50 will probably take an hour and half.
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