Writing skills can make or break any project on which you are working. Many authors today will publish 10 pages of content as an e-book and will call themselves writers. But these authors are only charging two dollars per book and taking home 40% of that. If you want to make more than just 40% of two dollars each time somebody buys your book and you need to make sure that you offer something special to the reader, something which they cannot obtain anywhere else.
It is important to understand a bit about your tax status too. You can register as an LLC to save your personal assets, or you can work as a self-employed person without starting a business. You do not have to file if you make less than $600 per year. If you are only doing freelance work for one year, and do not plan on doing it again, you can file it as supplemental income without paying unemployment taxes. If you are registering in a state where you do not live you can choose to go through a company that helps small businesses form and they will provide you with a PO Box in the state which you can use as your business address. You pay them to help you set up your business, give you a business name, keep your registration and your tax status current, and you can even pay them to file taxes on your behalf.
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