Finding the best freelance academic writing jobs online requires perseverance and patience. You need to continually review the available job postings until you find one you love. Then you need to do the job well. As far as home businesses are concerned, there is a great deal of potential income and a variety of growth still available. Money magazine reported that during 1996 twenty percent of home businesses earned an income between $100,000 and $500,000. Every eleven seconds a new home business is started. The U.S Census reported in 2001 that home offices are set up in approximately thirty four million homes. As of 2007, a total of sixteen million businesses were run at home, which was nearly fifty percent of all businesses. By 2008 of those people who worked for an employer, nine out of every ten were telecommuters, nearly eighty seven percent of all employees. Of the people who still worked for an employee, twenty four percent of them conducted eighty percent of their work from home.
Simply put, by the year 2009, thirty nine percent of people working at home were female leaving sixty one percent of them males. Of the people who work at home forty two percent of them were between the ages of eighteen and thirty four with forty eight percent of them between the ages of thirty five and fifty four. The eight percent remaining were over the age of fifty five. Fifty percent of those people who work at home have college degrees and twenty eight percent of them have completed vocational school. Fifteen percent completed a post graduate degree with the remaining only have a high school degree.
At least one day per month, 12.4 million people in the United States worked from home for their employer in 2006 while that number grew to 17.2 million in 2008, quantifying a 39% two year increase and a 74% increase since the year 2005. Of the people who did not work at home, 38% of them said that their job-related tasks could have been completed from home. 21% of those hired employees stated that they were not at all interested in working from home according to WorldatWork statistics from 2009. During 2007, employers in the United States allowed 30% of their staff to work from home. By 2009, 42% of employers allowed their staff to work from home.
This continued growth is a direct result of many factors including high gas prices. Employers are more willing to offer telecommuting options to save on time, money, and gas particularly because of people looking for jobs closer to home.
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